Address: 2 Theodorou Kolokotroni, Engomi, Nicosia, 2408, Cyprus
Phone: +357 99793207
Email: info@euphyia-tech.com
Website: https://euphyia-tech.com/
Partner Description:
Euphyia Tech Ltd is an innovative start-up established in 2021 as a spin-off of Frederick University in Cyprus. The company specializes in developing advanced tools for assessing the sustainability of buildings, focusing on both energy performance and building smartness aspects.
Its team comprises both young and experienced engineers in the fields of building sustainability and the development of computational tools and applications. Euphyia Tech is highly active in research, participating in several funded projects related to smart buildings and smart cities.
Offered Products/Services:
Euphyia Tech is committed to excellence and the continuous development and exploration of knowledge, research and innovation, with the aim of creating innovative technologies and providing the best solutions to its customers.
The company develops software tools and solutions in the field of building sustainability assessment, including tools for intelligence, energy efficiency and life cycle analysis. It also has virtual reality solutions for the interactivity of its tools.