IsZEB Certify

An Innovative Software Package Issuing Certificates, Based on European & Greek Standards and Methodologies
The IsZEB Certify offers:
- An easy to use and friendly design environment
- Integration with BIM
- Building shell & MEP systems description extensive databases and libraries
- Special forms, calculating technical characteristics of MEP systems
- Fields autofill from the design environment
- Complete technical report, including calculations, drawings, diagrammatic illustrations & improvement scenarios

EPC software, based on the Greek Regulation for the Energy Performance of Buildings (KENAK) and connected to the official EPC software of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-KENAK) core engine. The EPC issuance process takes place at the following steps:
- Building profile: General building information import, Fields autofill from XML files.
- Design: Easy to use 2D design environment. Use of BIM files
- Building shell: Introduction of buildings’ geometrical characteristics & thermophysical properties. Use of materials’ libraries and fields autofill from the design environment
- Building systems: Import of MEP systems technical characteristics. Use of MEP libraries and fields autofill from the BIM files & the MEP systems special forms
- Summary: Extended review of the results
- Improvement scenarios: Buildings’ energy efficiency proposed upgrading interventions
- Results: EPCs issuance accompanied with a complete technical report, including calculations, plans, results’ diagrammatic presentation and benchmarking analysis of buildings’ energy performance between the current situation and the proposed improvement scenarios.

SRI Calculator: Computational tool to perform SRI assessments and issue SRI Certificates according to the European Methodology SRI. The SRI certificates issuance process takes place at the below distinct steps:
- Building profile: General building information import
- Technical Domains: Selection of existing technical sectors in the considered building
- Calculation Method: Selection of SRI calculation method (simplified or detailed)
- MEP Building systems:MEP systems identification & smart readiness evaluation
- Improvement scenarios:: Buildings’ Smart Readiness proposed upgrading interventions
- Results: Issuance of SRI certificates accompanied with a complete technical report, including thorough description and diagrammatic representation of the results, as well as benchmarking analysis of buildings smart readiness between the current situation and the proposed improvement scenarios

A holistic approach of energy efficient and smart buildings. The IsZEB Standard enables a complete evaluation and certification of buildings, granting the respective IsZEB Certification badge.
The IsZEB certificates issuance process takes place at the following distinct steps :
- Building profile: General information import, fields autofill from XML files
- Complete evaluation of buildings according to IsZEB: A holistic evaluation of buildings according to the IsZEB Methodology
- Smart interaction: Fields autofill from the EPC software and the ‘SRI Calculator’
- Summary: Extended review of the results
- Improvement scenarios: Proposed upgrading interventions within all the technical levels
- Results: Issuance of IsZEB certificate accompanied with a complete technical report, including a thorough description and diagrammatic representation of the results as well as a benchmarking analysis between the current situation and the proposed improvement scenarios