IsZEB Methodology
Regulation of Energy Performance of Buildings (KENAK) and Technical Guidelines of the Technical Chamber of Greece are the basis for determining the EPBD in Greece. They include parameters and technical characteristics of the building envelope and its technical systems that produce, manage and consume energy, as well as define and evaluate the energy efficiency of the building. The European Directives on Energy Labelling and Ecodesign of Appliances regulate the energy efficiency of building equipment. Similarly, the European SRI (Smartness Readiness Indicator) methodology examines the smartness of a building from the point of view of the installation and technical evolution of its automation, in areas both within and beyond the CCNR, such as the installation of electric vehicle chargers and the interaction of the building with the electricity grid. In addition, it indirectly examines the energy efficiency of the building through the operation of its automation systems.
The IsZEB Standard incorporates in its assessment methodology the elements derived from the above guidelines and creates, through the specialized research and the expertise of its Partners, an optimized method for determining the energy efficiency and intelligence of a building with the following additional characteristics:
Α. Integration and categorization of all major primary energy consumers of a building into the following sectors:
- Passive Design
- Heating
- Heating and cooling
- Mechanical ventilation
- Hot Water Usage
- Lighting system
- Electrical equipment
- Contribution of renewable energy
Β. Integration of Building Intelligence Assessment and identification of its interaction with the energy efficiency of the building