TCG Conference: Digital Construction and BIM in Greece
On the 19th of February 2020, representatives of CERTH/ITI participated in the event hosted by the Technical Chamber of Greece* under the title “Digital Construction and BIM in Greece”. The event was organized under the umbrella of EU BIM Task Group National Events.
The conference aim was to present the status of BIM in Europe, the opportunities that occur from the use of this digital tool and how it can lead to the path of the digitalization of the construction sector. Among the discussed topics were the European practices and experiences in the sector, the governmental politics, and the technical standards and issues regarding the implementation of BIM. Furthermore, there was a dedicated session on mapping the needs and difficulties in implementing BIM in Greece.
Finally, the conference revealed commitment from one side and technical capacity on the other, in order to uptake BIM effectively in the years to come through a detailed national roadmap.
*The Technical Chamber of Greece is a public legal entity and its members are all qualified licensed engineers in Greece and companies (construction and technical). It is an active member of the International Engineering Community and the National Member representing Greece in several International and European Organizations.