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IsZEB is part of the ecosystem of Elevate Greece

IsZEB is part of the innovation ecosystem of Elevate Greece

The participation of IsZEB

Serving as a gateway, Elevate Greece is the official platform and leading resource for in-depth information on the Greek Startup Ecosystem, aspiring to help it grow and expand. The registered Start-up Database is a big step towards growth, entrepreneurship and innovation. IsZEB through its participation in the Ecosystem as an Innovation Cluster, aims to exchange knowledge and expertise, by creating networks, disseminating information and creating synergies between the undertakings and other cluster stakeholders.

The Initiative

Elevate Greece is an initiative launched by the Greek Government, intended to identify promising startups and support their growth nurturing a robust innovation ecosystem along the way. The initiative provides a digital gate through which Greek startups can apply requesting to be officially accredited by competent State Ministry (Ministry of Development & Investments – General Secretariat for Research & Innovation [GSRI]).

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